Our government has spent 36 million tax dollars to discharge 11,000 VOLUNTARY service members under the federal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law.
This has got to stop.
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is discriminatory and damaging to our military
The Military Readiness Enhancement Act has been introduced to repeal it.
Urge your representative to co-sponsor this bill today!
Hi Loretta,
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is the only federal law that mandates firing an American because of his or her sexual orientation.
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is severely damaging to military readiness. Tell your representative it should be repealed!
The Military Readiness Enhancement Act, H.R. 1246, has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation would repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and replace it with a law allowing lesbian, gay, and bisexual Americans to serve openly.
The Pentagon has spent at least 360 million tax-payer dollars discharging 11,000 service members under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" since 1993.[1] Paying millions of dollars to discharge people who volunteer to serve our country is ridiculous, especially in a time of war.
It's time to throw out "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"!
But the absurdity of this outdated policy does not stop there. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has forced the Pentagon to discharge nearly 800 personnel in specialties experiencing critical shortages, including linguists and military intelligence analysts. Over 110 co-sponsors currently support the act - but more support is needed!
Sign this petition encouraging your U.S. Representatives to co-sponsor the Military Readiness Enhancement Act.>> http://go.care2.com/e/R6Br/fRQp/e9aV
Thank you,
Robyn E.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team
[1] According to the 2006 Blue Ribbon Commission report.
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