Wednesday, March 01, 2006

#36: Women in History: Eve

I decided to start from the very beginning (to quote Maria von Trapp in the Sound of Music)...

So our first woman of note in herstory would, of course, be Eve.

I thought... oh, I will just spend an hour or two reading up on our gal of origin and have something to add.


This is going to be quite an undertaking.

I googled Eve.

Do you know the biblical Eve didn't show up until page 2?

And that was in reference to sex.

Maybe that shouldn't have been a surprise.

Here's a link:

And Adam Knew Eve: A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible

and no surprise here....

the author is male.

What's up with that?

I think if I continue to go poking around with this topic... just call it a hunch, but I have a feeling that men have had more to say... or at least to publish about Eve than her sisters.

Anyway... the above website offers some wonderful links to art resources. Do stop by, search for EVE and you are going to find that history painted her as chubby, blonde and caucasian.


More to come.


Anonymous said...

For some interesting reading, google 'Lilith' instead.

Loretta said...

Hey Paul!
Thanks for visiting.
I am familiar with the mythology of Lilith.
I decided to wait on her for the time being.
I wanted to look at more "traditional" figures in women's history... so my conclusion was to start with Eve.
I will most likely write about Lilith, because you can't research Eve without getting into that.