Monday, November 27, 2006

#53 - Name Calling and North Korea (originally posted in MySpace 10/09/06)

Well, now we know what happens when our glorious US leader knows nothing about diplomacy and spouts off calling a country ruled by a crazed man part of the "Axis of Evil".

North Korea succeeded in a nuclear bomb testing today:

North Korea Claims Nuclear Test: BBC

South Korea was able to measure the darn thing on a Richter scale.

Now we are in serious trouble.

My sweet child was born in South Korea. The people of South/North do not consider it so split ... it was supposed to remain one nation.

Little Bear's bloodline is ancient and traces back to his Korean roots.

Our "big plan" when we adopted him was to return to his birthplace when he was about 13 or so in order to give him the chance to reacquaint himself with his homeland.

Yes, well.

Back to the US president.

You just can NOT go around name calling leaders and expect nothing in return.

We in the U.S. should be concerned.

Seriously concerned.

Iraq was NEVER a threat to us.

They just happen to have oil.

And we happen to be a rather greedy gobble up the world's resources type of nation.
North Korea is impoverished.

Nothing sitting there that greedy US citizens would want.

So when the whole Axis of Evil sword rattling came out...

didn't anyone ever stop and think that Kim Jung-Il...

crazed synchophant, murderer of his own people, deity in his own mind...

well, didn't anyone ever think of the FACT that the people of North Korea are perfectly capable of building nuclear weapons?

Especially, when they are being held hostage in an Orwellian world, dislocated from the rest of the world..

thinking that their glorious leader rules the universe.

And even if they don't believe that...

North Koreans would never say such a thing, because they love their children and families and thought police do exist in nations like North Korea.

Say the wrong thing and you or a loved one may not be around tomorrow.

So you can't even do the good old American HATE those suckers! over this one. The North Koreans have been held captive and starved to death under this crazed dictator.

President Bush and his puppet (er... speech) masters slapped Kim Jong-il in the face with their words and now he is going to save face.

And trust me on this.

We are in deep trouble.

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